The Same Blog

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I hate it when celebrities get politically involved. It just pisses me off. Ugh, big pet peeve right there. Oh well gotta go to bed...have to be up by 1 tomorrow to discuss my course selections for winter term.

speaking of which, I have to take English 5. That's at 10. ok. Now for the other 2 classes... it turns out I can't take an introductory socy class this year. but i am taking a socy class right now so I'm gonna try and get into another course, a methods course or something. but how do these courses sound: Genes and Society, basically an anthro type course in the bio dept; Oral Tradition Musicianship, a class where I'll have to rent drums (?); Modern Religious and Anti-Religious Thinkers; Religion and Society in America; and Beginning Spanish. If I get into an upper level socy course, I'll only have one slot left, so which one of these classes sounds the best/easiest/has least amount of writing? Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Alright then, goodnight.


At November 4, 2004 at 5:41 PM, Blogger Psychomoore said...

Drums are fun as fuck, but that genes and society sounds...interesting...stimulating. Up to you, hit stuff and make noise...or learn why you act like that.


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