I hate it when celebrities get politically involved. It just pisses me off. Ugh, big pet peeve right there. Oh well gotta go to bed...have to be up by 1 tomorrow to discuss my course selections for winter term.
speaking of which, I have to take English 5. That's at 10. ok. Now for the other 2 classes... it turns out I can't take an introductory socy class this year. but i am taking a socy class right now so I'm gonna try and get into another course, a methods course or something. but how do these courses sound: Genes and Society, basically an anthro type course in the bio dept; Oral Tradition Musicianship, a class where I'll have to rent drums (?); Modern Religious and Anti-Religious Thinkers; Religion and Society in America; and Beginning Spanish. If I get into an upper level socy course, I'll only have one slot left, so which one of these classes sounds the best/easiest/has least amount of writing? Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Alright then, goodnight.
Drums are fun as fuck, but that genes and society sounds...interesting...stimulating. Up to you, hit stuff and make noise...or learn why you act like that.
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