The Same Blog

Look Ma, we're all on the same blog!


Here she is...

Sorry, I couldn't resist making Mischa a part of this blog too. I'm sure that at least half of the contributors to this blog will appreciate this. For everyone else, deal with it. Just kidding. Anyway, this is also just a quick reminder that the O.C. is back tonight! The season premier starts at 7:00 on Fox. Don't miss it! To anyone who has never seen the show, I highly recommend that you tune in tonight, because you don't know what you are missing. That's just my opinion though. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the pic. Don't forget to watch the O.C. tonight! (Lola, I will tape it for you if you can't watch it. I wouldn't want you to miss it.)


At November 5, 2004 at 11:35 AM, Blogger Psychomoore said...

hey man, I can't see the misha pic.

At November 5, 2004 at 11:35 AM, Blogger Psychomoore said...

you know Sean's gonna hafta repsond with a Carmen pic.


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