Tha Code
Ok, the rest of this post will be in code. I'll give you 10 bucks if you can figure out what it says. (sean you disqualify)
pl dp yjod vpfr od gsot;u do,[;r niy upi;; mpyovr yjrtr od ,omo,s; [imvyisyopm nrvsidr yjsy od kidy esu ypp givlom vp,[;ovsyrf gpt yjod oy ;ppld nsf niy oyd trs;;u [tryyu rsdu pmvr upi hry oy svyis;;u drsm o djpi;f kidy nr ys;lomh yp upi domvr o lmpe mpnpfu r;dr eo;; gohitr yjod piy oyd dp htrsy nrvsidr oyd dp do,[;r ury mpnpfu hryd oy og dp,rpmvr pyjrt yjsm drsm gohitrd yjod piy vp,,rmy pm yjod [pdy yjrdr rcsvy eptfd
o hpy oy ,iyjs[ppjrsf
I won't but if anyone can figure it out, they deserve to be in.
ok so this code is fairly simple but youll notice there is...
how do I collect my ten bucks? :P
heigldw at
no, I've never used that particular code before, but I did notice that the only punctuation in the text were [ ; ,
then I noticed that there were no q a z
Then I did some simple substitutions and saw that my theory was correct, you just slid the letters on the qwerty keyboard over by one. Sorry guys. Simple substitution cyphers are usually pretty straightforward to solve. (:
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