Fuck you Anonymous...for the 8th time
Eat shit bitch! Fuck Anonymous bitches who can't even put their fuckin names at the bottom of their comments. Have some fuckin balls and tell me who you are, if not, don't fuckin comment. And I'm sure that if you could spell the word (that's right, it's one word) ASSHOLE, maybe I would actually respect you a little more and I might even give a tiny little bitty bit of a SHIT EATING FUCK if you cared about me or my death...But since you can't seem to form a fucking sentence, I give not one little dick slap of a fuck if you spit on my grave. Eat shit bitch and that's all I'm sayin. Oh...and fuck you.
I was just busy with more important shit than you assholes. I have better things to do during the day than post on fucking blog. And do any of you know who StarryEyed is? She, I assume, bitched me out and I didn't even say sit to her. What the fuck?
I see you learned how to spell "asshole" while you were away...but apparently you lost the ability to write "shit"
Where did starryeyed bitch you out?
(since you didn't say "sit" to her)
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