The Same Blog

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Carnivores Rock


Eating meat is one of the manliest things you can do. It tastes good, is high in protein, and what is cooler than eating meat? You can fry it, grill it, broil it, barbeque it, or even make it into jerky. Jerky rocks. And vegetables suck. Potatoes are OK, but only when eaten in conjunction with said meat.

When you were little which was cooler: the lion or the zebra? THE LION, DUH!!! Know why? Because it eats every living thing it sees. Lions kick ass too. When I go on safari, I'm gonna shoot one. Kinda like The Ghost and the Darness - kill or be killed type stuff.

Meat or veggie? Are you a wolf or a sheep? Remember, wolves eat sheep.

(OK, OK that's a bighorn sheep - and we all know those are really awesome...on the grill ;-) )


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