The Same Blog

Look Ma, we're all on the same blog!


Drunkern Posting

Me and Sean have been matching eachother with tha beers. I took laura's advice on drunkin postin. I like to post. I should' t be posting now. i am not in the retibrution to be positng. i had like 10 beer. to some, this may be not very much, but... for me, i weigh like 120 pounds, its a lot. i am not feeling weell. I will be embarrassed of this post tomrorow , bnut ax me bout this weekend an d i will tell you. i only poste4d this because laura did when she was drunk so i am too! Yay! I will go to be d now...sean will post im trying to be se4rious. sean will poswt in like 23 minutes. he is also been tdrinking. toegether. we arde. domnt ebem curr. brova's fo life. look for his post next time youi ooolk for posts. I love you.


At November 21, 2004 at 11:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you too


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