The Same Blog

Look Ma, we're all on the same blog!


We Don't Need No Education

All I wanna do is party and hang out and have fun. Who decided life should be this way anyhow? School is just kicking my ass - I am always tired. I think I'll invent a time travel machine so I can go back to high school. Those were the days. And I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT!!! I wish I could go back knowing what I know now - I would freakin punch myself for not realizing it then. High school is the one time in your life where you can have fun on a 24/7 basis. Well, all grade school fa sho. My life is slipping away before my eyes and it is horrible. I guess the only thing to do is start my own country where all everyone does is party and have fun. That would be the friggin law. There would be no crime, know why? Cause erbody is having fun. That's why.


At November 12, 2004 at 10:48 AM, Blogger Psychomoore said...




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