The Same Blog

Look Ma, we're all on the same blog!


Eric fingered sean's chip'

Hello this is Brett and sean, once again...rdurnk. We are not alocholotics. we brovas. nawmena.?
we fidden towwach a movie but we dont know yet. alchold is isgood
i like beer
senas is glad i like beer
he likes beer too
he loves beer
know why?
"it's good" he says
peice of shit spoon
we jut st came b akc from taco bell, we got nachos's bnellhrrande
Dustin, arewe bad peeopole? cuzw e drink?
that is our concern, you make it sound like we fukcni horrible bnpeeople
but we nice, good peoopole
we eatin taco bell, sean is
ewe aint bad peepts
we nice
but we bne drinking
we drink but we still good
we cool
i want erbody to know how i feel
I don't
iwant her to know
i don't
i want her to see
i don't i want this to las......seans
say6s alcholo is good i dont care what any of yall sayi
you know you like it, but youj ust dont do it
you should
i think they drink alcohoold in guatamala
who would wqanna help bad people anyway
since they jsut HEATHENS anyway
thas what we ar?
ok i get it
we so unsofisticateed
we dont knwo
i guess
we just heathens
you konw
i guess we jsut fuckni horrible peoople
cuause4 we wlike t ohave fun.

fufk us

we sukc

cuz we liinkke to dinkk beers


At December 12, 2004 at 3:48 PM, Blogger kings_fan10 said...

You guys are stupid. I mean seriously, how dare you single me out like that? I have NEVER tried to push my beliefs on you, and anything that I have ever said negative about drinking has not been directed towards you. The one time that I made negative comments on Dick's site about it was not becase I thought you guys were horrible people, I clarified that situation for you Brett, remember? So if you guys think that then whatever, you don't know me as well as I thought you did and you are obviosly not the friends that I thought you were.

At December 12, 2004 at 6:14 PM, Blogger supergirl said...

this drunken posting thing is getting a little weird and personal and stuff...hmm...

At December 12, 2004 at 11:08 PM, Blogger Psychomoore said...

no big deal man.


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