Last day of Class!!!
Yes, today was my last day of actual class. I know that the semester isn't really over yet, I still have three finals to take. But I don't have to go to class anymore so that is a step in the right direction. I absolutely cannot wait to be free of the stress and tension that the semester has brought. Maybe when it's all over I'll do something special for myself to unwind. Road trip maybe? Go visit and "old friend". We'll see. For now though, I'm here at work and still not quite free of stress. Finals are gonna kill me. I really need a break from all this school stuff. A two year break sounds really nice. Perfect. I hope I'm not the only one who feels like school is getting the best of me. Cuz if I am then that means I need to suck it up and stop complaining. But I'm sure that everyone else feels the same way. Oh and another thing, all you guys planning that huge party for Christmas, you guys have to promise me that we will all do something sometime this break in which EVERYONE will feel comfortable doing. I just want to be able to see everyone too. So because it was the last day of class, I feel like a celebration is in order. And what better way to celebrate than with a Mischa pic! Enjoy!
Man, you're totally invited to "the last party" Don't trip, I'm sure we'll all go places before that, but you know you're welcome to come too.
I didn't say I wasn't invited, I said we should do stuff that everyone wants to do also. No offense but I don't really want to go to that party.
sorry dude, but thats not a good picture. she looks anerexic and like shes all cracked out.
Well fine whatever. Everyone just tear up my posts. I really don't care anymore.
dust ain't.
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