The Same Blog

Look Ma, we're all on the same blog!


druknk aginan?

  1. calle it wyyaht you wanna calle it , im a ffuck in aolkckoholick. I mena thgats a word from the xzibit zong. im chilinn with you and crazy ericc and that barbarina and we drinkin beers. im a liitly defpressecx. adn aso is everybdoy. i am really ddepressed about what happenedll, but i hope it doesn't affect anything that i wanbt to jhpapnen. i am so haplpy lately, you know why. but right now im thinkin bout like whats fucked up bout this world and i dont know what tod do... cry me a river. i cant focus, except on her, i cant read except on this , blogs keep messin with my head, except on this paper, i dontg makes sence but i know i love...what do i lovel? i need you i dont know what esles i feel bnut i know i need you and i dont know hwat esle i think but i know...i know i need you...fuck. i shouldn't post this but i guss if you/'re reading this thebn i posetd. you know how i feel for rea.l ...unsecencored...this is me and you knwo who ...wha t i need...cry me a river...i cant live if you hate me, i hope you still llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllike me, even thought i post like this, i talked to you like htsis...forget all this...i am retareded, but i am real, at least im not lying ANON! but you guys know how i do...i dont lie bout this shit, i just tell the truuf. i shouldn't post right now...stop brett, STOP!!! BUT I CAN'T DO IT. FCUK. im leaving but never forget me...dont forget me...


At November 28, 2004 at 8:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was fuckin intense....

At November 29, 2004 at 10:29 AM, Blogger Psychomoore said...

I'm never drinking again.


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